Friday, May 06, 2005

Loving your way to abundance

From: "Peter Michel"
To: "Releaser"
Subject: Re: Please send newsletter to this person
Date: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 4:55 PM

Dear Releaser,

I'm glad you found the words helpful. Please, remember always to go for the freedom, not for the goal (you'll end up getting it anyway).

There is an incredible joy that lives in the heart as your true Inner Self. It is the very substratum of that person you call "you." Be that substratum, which is none other than joy, love, peace and which becomes self-evident the more you release and uncover it.

Go for it all. Why just stop at material abundance which must some day pass away? Go for that which is permanent and which no one and nothing can ever take away from you. Go for the complete enchilada---the complete freedom and joy that Lester knew. It's there right now waiting in you to be discovered.

Keep dumping the mind and its garbage and rest as your Self as much as possible. The joy will be uncovered more and more and will grow and grow. All fears and problems will vanish, abundance will come on its own, and life will become just an effortlessly beautiful adventure.

"The easiest way to contact the Self is through the feelingness in the heart of 'I,' or 'I Am," with nothing more added. This feelingness is the Self, the Real -- Inner Self. The moment we add anything at all, like 'I am good or bad'; 'I am poor or rich'; 'I am great or small'; or 'I and that'; we are imposing a limitation on the 'I Am' and are creating the ego." ~ Lester Levenson.

By all means, achieve all of your financial and other goals through Releasing only---this is important for pulling up and eliminating all our "I can'ts" and other negative programs. But don't stop there. Go for the complete freedom from all limitation.

There is nothing else like it. Nothing else satisfies like the joy that bubbles up from within. There's no end to it. And, you need not create that joy, for you ARE that joy.

All of us spend our lives like the dog who came across the dried out bone. He found it and thought to himself, "Yumm... a bone!" As he bit into it it splintered apart in his mouth, sending shards of the bone into his gums, making his mouth bleed, and causing him to whince with pain. "Ouch! This bone sure does hurt!" he thought to himself. But, as he tasted his own blood, he thought to himself, "But, it sure is a juicy bone!" And so, he bit into it even harder, trying to get more blood from what he believed to be a juicy bone, and again, more of his own blood gushed forth, as he again was taken back by the pain caused as he bit into his "juicy" bone.

This is a powerful analogy to bring to mind now and then. We are all like this dog. We mistakenly think the world and it's money, success, relationships, careers, and it's many material "things" are our "juicy bone" that bring us joy. But, it never is there. Each time we accomplish a goal, we end a painful desire and the joy of our Self becomes self-evident. Then, we wrongly attribute this joy to the person, place, accomplishment or thing that ended that painful desire. But the happiness that came when you achieved the particular goal, in truth, only came from ending the painful desire. So why not just make a beeline for the joy and start unloading all the painful suppressed desires so you have that joy 24/7?

One of the most powerful pointers Lester ever gave was, "Take all your joy from within."

Wishing you all the best.

Much love,

P.S. Letting go and letting God is a very fast way to freedom. The most powerful prayer is "Thy will be done." Or, as Lester would often say, "Be not the doer."

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 1:49 PM
Subject: re: Please send newsletter to this person

Dear Peter,

Just wanted to let you know how wonderful this reply
of yours was and it has helped me clear out and let go
of a lot of clutter and garbage that was still inside.
I am not quite free yet, but your words are like
living water and I am drinking them in constantly.

Love, “Releaser”

--- wrote:

Dear Releaser,

Get to the point where you completely let go of
wanting money (and wanting to push it away). It's
just the wanting that's in the way. When you let go
of the wanting (attachments and aversions), and just
gently entertain the feeling that you have your goal
NOW, then it must come to you. It MUST, MUST, MUST
come to you. It's a universal law. That which your
mind is on is what you'll become. If it's on lack,
either consciously or subconsciously, that's what
you'll get.

The best way to have money is to keep filling
yourself up with positive energy. Choose to be
positive all the time. Charge yourself up with
positive energy so that you have a force-field all
around you that attracts more positive and dissolves
the negative. See all your body's cells smiling and
glowing. Beam positivity. Give yourself approval
and let go of any disapproval or hostility towards
yourself or others. Often we hold subconscious
hostility/negativity toward the wealthy and that is
a major obstacle, so look for it and if you find it
let it go.

Most of all love yourself, love others, love every
situation and circumstance you encounter. Love any
perceived lack of money and love any perceived
abundance of money---be equal-minded about it.

Do the mirror exercise---stand in front of a mirror
and give yourself approval for an hour or two or
three, while letting go of any disapproval that
comes up.

Let me know how you make out with these suggestions.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:41 PM
Subject: re: Please send newsletter to this person

By the way, yes I am a graduate and I have had
Many successes in releasing, including letting go
completely of drinking alcohol and smoking pot. I
have also released on my other family members and my
father who passed away 3 years ago and experienced a
transformation in my life from that. However, I
apparently have a funny situation with releasing
on money. I feel that I have released majorly on
money and wealth, but I still live paycheck to paycheck.
(I am not poor by any means, but the typical "never
enough money" syndrome with 3 boys and a wife.)
That is not to say that many wonderful and somewhat
miraculous things haven't happened money wise, but
it doesn't stay permanent for some reason. What I
found was that the more I tried to release on money, the
more I seemed to focus on it. So, I try to simply
focus on releasing and surrendering my entire self
to God on as much of a moment to moment basis as I

The other funny thing about my money situation is
that in two or three years I will have plenty of money
coming in from family and business properties and
that cash flow will only increase in future years, so
that seems to be interfering in ways that I don't know
how to get around. I also can't help thinking about
Lester's comment about time, that since there
really is no such thing as time, yet we believe there is,
that the future may seem to be years away when
that is not the reality at all. (I'm not sure if I got
that right, but that's how I think about it.) Any

I know Larry would suggest I buy the supercharging
my releasing tapes for the $300, but though I have
released on that idea, I never have enough money
left at the end of the month...


--- wrote:

Dear Releaser,

Thanks for writing. Are you a graduate?

Regarding sending our e-news to your brother, if you are fully Released, your brother will hear it best from you. Try releasing and then forward the newsletter to him. A good question to ask yourself might be, "Could I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think it is?" This will help dissolve any preconceived notions and allow him to hear it best from you.

People tend to show up for us in the way that we expect them to, so try to hold only an image of perfection of everyone you meet (including yourself). This works miracles. Anything you see that is less than perfection in yourself or others is judgement, and few, if any of us, make very very good judges. It is best to accept, as acceptance is love, as you know.

It is wonderful of you to share it with your family. It is the greatest gift one can give. However, we should be as Released as possible and as positive as possible while sharing it. Then, it will be received well.

Thanks for writing us and we hope to see you at Mo-Ranch. It will be AWESOME as usual.


----- Original Message -----
From: "releaser"
To: Release Technique
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:06 PM
Subject: Please send newsletter to this person

Dear Larry and the folks at release...

I just received the newsletter on Love your
way to abundance and I would like you to send this
newsletter to my brother at the following e-mail:
“brother” He really needs to hear
this message. I don't know whether he will
accept it but if it comes straight from me he will
almost certainly reject it. That is why I am asking
you to e-mail this particular newsletter to him.
Please do not let him know that I requested you send it.
In fact, if you were to put a message in the
subject line that an anonymous female admirer requested it
be sent to him that would probably at least get him to
read it.
I'm sure you understand why I am doing this.
He is so full of pride and arrogance he doesn't know
what === message truncated ===


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