Thursday, October 26, 2006

For Total Success, Just Say "Yes"!

For Total Success, Just Say YES!

by Peter Michel
Part 1 of 2

Are You Saying YES or NO to Abundance?

Most of us think we are saying “Yes” to abundance when, in fact, we are stuck in resistance and wanting, which always equals a resounding “No” to our subconscious.

How then are we to expect abundance if we are constantly pushing it away unconsciously?

We can't reasonably expect it—because we haven't allowed it in. We've basically slammed the door in its face.

Larry, at one of his Final Step Retreats, said the word allow may very well be the most powerful word in the universe.

I agree.

How much effort does it take for you to allow yourself to have, be or do something?

Answer: It doesn't take any effort at all.

And yet, that is the only way we ever got anything in life.

We allowed it to come into our experience.

Unfortunately, we often put ourselves through a lot of painful contortions (effort) prior to simply allowing ourselves to have it!

Sound familiar?

The problem most of us have is we often never get to “Yes.” We are forever trying to figure out “how to get rid of” all the “No's.”

Getting to Yes within ourselves is a lot like sales .

When it comes to “selling” ourselves on a goal, it is same way we would sell an idea, product or service to someone else. We'd simply listen to any objections—all the “No's”—and knock them out one by one.

The difference, though, is with “selling” ourselves, all we need to do is release the objecting feelings that crop up within. Those inner objections take the form of a “no” or a “maybe.” Every “maybe” is actually a “no” in disguise.

All of us are in some kind of sales. We may not be selling products or services, but we are constantly selling or attempting to sell our opinions, ideas and viewpoints to others.

The next time you're looking to sell something to someone, instead of relying on typical and often manipulative strategies, try releasing instead. It works far more powerfully.

Use releasing to overcome your own “inner objections” instead of worrying about your prospect's objections.

If you don't have any inner resistance, the answers they need to hear will come from within you spontaneously and effortlessly.

As they try to “feel you out” during your “pitch,” they won't feel resistance from you subconsciously telling them it's not okay to “buy.”

They'll only feel love/acceptance from you and will thus have a feeling of trust.

It's almost always our own unconscious resistance, fears and doubts that people pick up on and object to—and not necessarily the product, service, idea, opinion, etc, we are presenting.

We do the same thing with our own goals. We try to sell ourselves on them and yet, are objecting to them at the same time.

We haven't sold ourselves on them. That's why they are still hanging out as unfulfilled “wants."

It's like dealing with an insurance salesman who comes to your door wanting to sell you a policy, but he's coming from a place of doubting that you will actually buy anything.

You immediately pick up on that doubt and say to him, “No thanks" and quickly shut the door in his face.

You gave him exactly the answer he was expecting you to give him.

That's what you've been doing with your own goals .

Instead of being the insurance salesman who says to himself, “I doubt he'll buy it,” you've been saying to yourself, “I doubt I'll buy it.”

Silly isn't it?

We should be our easiest sale because we already know our own objections! But, we never knock them out. We stay stuck in the “no's” and never get to the “yes.”

Right now, take a look. What is something you really WANT?

Write it down.

Have you been trying to figure out what to do about it or how to get it?

Most likely you have. That's why it is still a want and not a have .

Trying to figure out how to solve a problem or achieve a goal has never helped a single person in the entire history of our planet to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

The only way we ever got the answer to any problem was when we finally “let go” and stopped “trying to figure out what to do about it” and then the solution came to us.

This is much like how we forget a person's name, struggle for a few minutes to remember it, then let go of trying to figure it out and it pops into our head a few minutes or seconds later.

Same exact principle.

You got it because you let go of “wanting” it.

So, now... do you still WANT that thing you mentioned above or are you willing to LET GO , say “YES!” and finally HAVE IT?

There are no “Yes, maybes,” or “Yes, buts,” there is only “Yes!” That is the only answer that will work.

It doesn't even have to be an emphatic YES! It can just be a very simple “yes” which is nice, calm and clear.

No energy required.

Just a solid, “yes” with no “no's” or “maybes” hanging around muddling up your “yes.”

If you can't quite give a clear “yes” to the goal you wrote down, the following exercise will help you get to that “yes.”

Try this right now:

  1. Read your goal statement silently or aloud.
  2. Ask yourself, “Could I say ‘yes' to having this goal?”
  3. Notice any resistance that shows up. If you didn't get a clear “yes” and instead felt a “no” or a “maybe,” welcome that feeling of resistance and let go of wanting to change it. In other words, say “yes” to the resistance.
  4. If there's no resistance and you get a clear “yes,” then congratulations. Just hold onto that “yes” and feel that “yes” whenever you think about your goal. It will show up for you in no time. Holding onto the grateful feeling of “Yes, it is mine. Thank you!" is a VERY FAST way to achieve any goal.
  5. Keep repeating steps one through four above until you feel nothing but a clear and grateful “yes.”
  6. If there's still not a pure “yes”, then look for any “no's” to NOT having the goal. We must be okay with having it and with not having it. If you resist not having it, then say “yes” to not having it—otherwise, you will be unconsciously focused on “not having it” and thus manifesting more of the “I don't have.”
  7. Once you're in acceptance with not having it, bring your focus back to the “yes” of having it and keep it there.

The law of creation is simple. What we think about is what we get. Once you clear the resistance to having and to not having, you are free to focus all of your attention on having and then it must come to you.

A good final check would be to ask yourself, “Could I say ‘yes' 100% to having this goal?” and “Could I say ‘yes' 100% to NOT having this goal?”

If you're okay on both sides, then that's it. Just hold the feeling of having the goal and it will show up.

That's all there is to the art of manifesting all your dreams and desires in life, and to healing whatever needs healing including a sick body or pocketbook.

Ultimately, there's only ONE step…

Just say “YES!” to everything you have been wanting in life, and let go of the “no's” and the “maybes” and you'll have it!

Think you can do it?

Let's try it out.

Pick a goal you would like to achieve in two weeks or less and apply the steps above and then relax and allow it to show up.

Perhaps, a monetary goal is something you'd like to achieve.

If it's a money goal, try this: “I allow myself to have $100 or more by saying ‘yes' only.”

If $100 is too low, start with $500, $1000, $10,000, $100,000, etc, depending on your current Personal Money Matrix (discussed in previous newsletter).

Perhaps money isn't your primary goal. Perhaps the healing of a health problem would better describe your current ambition. Or maybe there's a long-standing relationship issue you'd like to resolve. Perhaps you've had a problem or fear hanging over your head for months. Or perhaps you are interested in spiritual, mental and emotional freedom. These would all be good goals to work with.

Phrase what you want in the positive such as “I allow myself to say ‘yes' to perfect health and vitality!” or “I allow this situation to be resolved quickly and easily in the most positive way for all parties involved.” Then run it through the steps above.

If you don't get your goal in a week or two, then look at the “Six Steps of Releasing,” which are toward the back of your Abundance Course workbook. See which step is off and get it back on track.

Most of us go off on the very first step which states…

“You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control or security.

If that isn't the case, don't go any further because you'll never let go of the “wants.”

You can also do an attachment and aversion exercise to having the goal. But, really, the 7 steps listed above should do it for you.

That's the bottom line to achieving any goal. It is simply a matter of saying “yes” to it, with no “maybes” or “no's” around.

Can you do it?

Yes :)

Please write to Larry once you achieve your goals, or to me if you have any questions about “saying yes.” Please email us at

We love to read your success stories and—with your permission—share your gains as inspiration to your fellow graduates.

In the next newsletter we'll discuss how to use “The Power of YES” for increasing LOVE and for accelerating HEALING.